
Why do we have certain phobias? How do we work with them?

Sometimes there are specific traumas that are an obvious cause of phobias and sometimes not. For example, we may have had a close call with drowning in a bathtub as a toddler, and thereafter have a fear of water. Or there may be no obvious cause like this. Either way, we work with it the [...]

I have autoimmune disorders and/or chronic fatigue, and I can’t keep up with the pace of this program. How can I benefit from this work when I can only do a tiny bit, without getting overwhelmed and/or crashing?

This can certainly be frustrating! The best answer we have found is to make peace with just doing those tiny bits, consistently, and with plenty of space after to integrate. ‘Less is more’ really is true with this work! Go at your own pace. We really cannot stress enough how important this is. In our [...]

How do we process toxic shame?

This is such an important part of healing trauma. The key to processing internalized toxic shame lies in finding our way towards feeling and expressing disgust. This doesn’t mean that we feel disgusted about ourselves, but that we allow ourselves to feel and express the disgust that our body feels at having to hold such [...]

Can you explain a bit more about why some of us have constant disturbing dreams? Why is the body/mind perceiving such a threat at night? And what can we do?

When we are holding unresolved trauma in our system, it is always there. Whether we are awake or asleep, that survival energy is running in the background, affecting all levels of the mind, including the unconscious and subconscious landscapes that we often traverse in dreams, and so we often experience impressions of those survival energies [...]

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