Real People
Real Stories

Several times per year I get sick, injured or just exhausted. I am then forced to take time off, again and again, and tend to get back to work a little bit before I should. I kept learning the same lesson the hard way and finding “loop holes” to not fully learn it. Luckily during the start of this month, while I was quite sick and recovering, I decided to purchase this course.
This was an absolute game changer. During these 21 days, it was like a lightbulb going off every single day. A new major realization or break through, while overlapping with the subtle shifts from the day before. I felt my capacity literally growing day by day.
I feel like I actually know how to take care of myself now. I understand myself more, and because of that I honestly love myself more.
The way the course and the concepts are laid out is “Just enough”. Not too little, not too much, not intimidating, very digestible. Actually pleasurable and I looked forward to it everyday. It really worked for me as someone who goes deep in these exercises in the comfort of my home. I feel I spent too much time in therapy talking and not enough time learning, and maybe I should have asked more questions. But this told me things I didn’t even know I needed to know…
I am so happy to say that I just finished the final day today. I have already recommended it to several friends and truly hope they will do this course as well. For the cost of 2 therapy sessions, I feel like I just took a quantum leap.

I just want to thank you so much for having created this affordable course for us. In my case, I come from a very traumatic childhood and lived with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and anorexia for almost my whole life. I did not even know what those terms were until I turn 28 (I am 37 now). I went to therapy at the age of 34 and did 35 sessions. However, I could not get my life back after I was released, and that was a big disappointment for me because I just did not understand why. I felt fine on my last session and as soon as I had no sessions left, I felt even worse.
I don’t even remember how I found Irene Lyon, but since video one, I fully connected with her and understand every single word that she was saying. I signed up for her free videos, I took a lot of notes, and then I signed up for the 21 Day course. Many things got better. I got a job now. (After 2 years of being afraid to work).
I know that I have to work more on myself, her course helped me to start getting my life back together, especially with the job part. My anxiety has decreased at least 80% (to me that is a miracle). Depression is down at least 70%, and I am just paying attention to other things.
I loved the course. It helped me so much. I have nothing negative to say about it. I am just glad that I took it and I will repeat it. I strongly believe that if I can apply all on this course my healing will advance so much more. Thank you.

Overall I am feeling much more positive and improved ability to deal with stress has helped me sleep better after the 21 Day course Because of this, the internal tremor I experience at night is less intense. I have also noticed I am carrying less tension in my body. I have CFS and initially a lot of anxiety came up. I also felt exhausted but once I adjusted my pace and slowed right down, this eased and I experienced subtle shifts. I’m now working through the course a second time and incorporating the practices into my daily routine. Recently, my energy levels have improved very slightly, which is fantastic. When I started the course, my body felt like a lead weight but with all this buzzing energy trapped inside. This has reduced in intensity. I have high hopes that I will improve more if I continue to put into practice what I have learned.
My advice for others taking or thinking about taking this course is to persevere! Go with the flow, take one day at a time and you will start to notice subtle shifts.

I’ve had my first MAJOR release from freeze! I’ve been doing the exercises since January, and I woke up from a really good sleep this morning and my body mounted a fight / flight response with no provocation from ‘me’ or my thoughts. A chunk of nameless, stored historical stuff has appeared: Heightened sensation, a nervousness, arousal and stimulation that feels half good and half bad. I’m just observing it ‘do’ itself.
The old me would have shut this down and labelled it as ‘oh God! I’m losing my marbles again!’ I feel like I’ve arrived at a totally new place.
Keep doing the work folks! It pays off!

I have done the ’21 day tune up’, seen every Youtube video (yes, every single one) and taken advantage of every resource on your website. Thank you for helping me help myself!
I am now for the first time since fall 2014 pain free from fibromyalgia, symptoms of EDS, PMDS and menstrual cramps, plantar fasciitis, POTS and much more (Yes, I’ve been ”diagnosed”. I know now that all of these symptoms come from an unregulated NS).
This spring I took a walk with my husband around my own block and realised ”this is the first time I’ve been able to walk here pain free”.
About a month ago I took a walk in the forest and got an impulse to run up a hill (yes, I RAN for the first time in seven years). When I stopped and realised that it didn’t hurt and that I hadn’t dissociated I started to cry. I can’t even remember if I have ever cried from gratitude before.
My ”I’m-doing-this-for-the-first-time-pain-free”-list is getting so big since coming out of the freeze response that I’ve just about lost count. I’m even doing things without dissociating or feeling pain/ discomfort for the first time EVER in my life due to some degree of functional freeze/fawn response from early age/childhood.
All physical transformation aside, the mental shift has been indescribable! My capacity/swimming pool has increased so much that it is unrecognisable, both in my approach to my work life and in my personal life.
I began my healing journey September 2020 by reading ‘Waking the Tiger’. God bless Mr. Levine and his work, but that book gave me so much anxiety and left me with more questions than I started with. After some googling and some more googling I finally found your work and it was like someone turned the lights on. I know you’ve heard this before, but your work is so pedagogical I didn’t even have to use Google Translate. I’m 34 years old and from Sweden, English isn’t my first language, and here I’m learning about neuroplastic sequencing healing without a dictionary.
I just wanted to share a very short version of my healing journey story. I owe it all to you and I’m so grateful! I’m sharing your work to everyone I know, and to anybody that I think needs it. Thank you so much!
PS. This is my patio, summer 2021. I have NEVER in my life kept any plant alive before!

I have done lots of other therapies including yoga, but this material really gave me a new level of self awareness and body awareness. I now sleep better, have less back pain and headaches, understand how I hold stress in my body, and practice tools that gently release tension throughout my day. It is so worth it so invest in yourself and learn advanced self-care skills.

Irene’s 21 Day Nervous System Tune Up came to my attention as I was looking for ‘something’ to help with my anxiety and better my knowledge for my clients as I am a Massage Therapist, Aromatherapist and Reiki Master. The 21 Day Tune Up program made me realize that the relationships I had with my caregivers as a child, and going through Breast Cancer at 39, had dysregulated my nervous system.
The program has shown me how to “feel to heal.” When I first started lots came up that normally I would hold in. It was like a healing crisis. Now I have the tools to deal with what comes up! I have more control of my body not going into a fight/flight or freeze state.
Irene is the ‘real deal’, her support is impeccable (even with me living in Australia)… If you are looking for a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life, I definitely recommend this program.

Love, love, LOVE this training. I’m doing the Healing Trauma video series AND the 21 Day Tune-Up. Half way through the tune up, and honestly I feel like I’ve gone from blurry vision to ultra HD.
I’ve been exploring spirituality and healing for a while, I’ve made a lot of progress, BUT Irene’s material feels like it’s SO much more on point, reliable and trustworthy. Just the facts, the research, no ideological beliefs, just what works.
Truly. It feels like I’ve gone from blurry pixelated vision to ultra HD. It’s giving me a whole new way to understand myself, that fits with what I’ve already learned by personal experience, and takes it much much further. I’m beyond excited to continue learning more. I want to take it as far as possible. Already planning on doing the 12 week SmartBody SmartMind training.
Thank you Irene and everyone who works on this. AMAZING product and information, and I absolutely agree that this is some of the most important work.

This course gave me a key to unlock trauma on a level I always hoped was possible. I’ve been working on healing since the mid 1970’s but it was this course that allowed me to access places inside myself I’ve never been able to access before. The healing I’ve been able to access through this course is astounding. It works in such a gentle way. It’s actually the embodiment of Peter Levine’s words, “…to create a slow, gentle, honoring way to return to your body”. I can’t thank you enough for doing this work and giving us all the opportunity to heal.

This course has left me so much more empowered to make changes in my life and handle stress than years of meditation. Irene has found the perfect blend of do-able, helpful and interesting lessons that will appeal to people very new to body work as well as people who have been doing body practices for awhile. Irene has the unique gift to blend the science and the practice into a course that feeds your mind, body and spirit. I was really blown away.

The 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up course helped me better understand, What the h*^! .. is going on in my body! A fundamental shift in my life was learning how to follow my impulses, and it has made such a difference to actually now understand the science of my body and stress responses.
When I can understand what’s going on I can better “be with” my body and its sensations (emotions) and just be present to them, rather than being overwhelmed by them.
The way Irene taught the complicated science made learning it easy. I enjoyed the entire course and I’m looking forward to learning more and deepening my awareness.

TAKE THIS COURSE!! Before Irene’s course, I hadn’t been paying attention to my body’s cues. After the first day, my relationship to stress was permanently altered. Such a powerful start – giving me information I needed to see how I was holding stress IN my body instead of noticing it, tuning in, and using it to my advantage. I began to feel more “myself” when I would tune in and let go of tension in my body. Her genuine care for those she helps is totally present in her voice. I can’t think of a more powerful thing you can do for yourself for such a low investment.

This is the course I didn’t realize I was looking for. Several years of trying a plethora of ‘healing’ modalities I didn’t realize what I needed was this course as a foundational basis to understand and judge those modalities as to whether they were correct for me. Whether you’re interested in doing this for the experience of the information to better understand the human state, I found it to be brilliant from both an informative and experiential place.

With the 21 Day Course, I got big change. I got out of the freeze state and back into my body. I feel connected with my environment again. I practice every day because I am so happy to feel again. Thank you so much for this course. Life-changing and a gift for the world to heal trauma.

So simple yet so profound. I only did the lessons once and feel I can do them at least a few more times before it will all be “in place”. The exercises are simple, but life changing, even already in the few weeks that I have done them. Things come up I didn’t even realize were there. Hard things, but also a new and deeper connection to myself. I love it. Thank you for putting it out there.

After more than thirty years of seeing counsellors, therapists, qualifying as an NLP practitioner and life coach and spending more than $25,000 in personal development, since I started the 21 Day Nervous System Tune Up, I’m really unlocking myself and freeing myself from my past. I’m already noticing that my stuck states shift much quicker; am more present and confident with people and am noticing that my body is becoming more alive. I’ve started to rediscover my creativity and childlike nature which is a real blessing.
I’m on my third run through of the program (Once you’ve invested you can repeat it as much as you like) and am still delighted by the quality and quantity of the support in the dedicated Facebook group from Irene’s team; as well as from the other participants. The investment is an absolute bargain. If you’re serious about resolving your issue and this looks like it’s a fit, do it!

I’ve studied or experienced what feels like virtually every therapy, energy healing modality and body work available and I’m shocked that I’m only now learning this particular piece of work. It’s extremely foundational and I can’t wait to experience more of it personally and integrate some pieces into the birth trauma healing work I do professionally.
The Tune-Up made me realize I’ve been living up in my head because it felt SO unsafe to BE in my body. I don’t think I realized how much I avoid really getting into and feeling my body before I did this program. It feels like there is so much trauma stored in my body that it’s scary to really feel into the sensations, so I’ve been avoiding it at all costs.
Now, I am orienting as many times as I can during the day to become aware of what’s happening in my body and in the environment around me. I’m following my impulses more so when I need to sleep, eat, drink, go outside, etc., I find myself listening and acting upon those nudges. I’m also finding my potent posture when I’m standing.

My takeaway from the Healing Trauma Training, was that this is the missing link! I have spent what little energy I’ve had (20 years bedridden with CFS) trying to find answers and help, but nothing helped. Then I found this. I was blown away! It makes sooooo much sense that I’ve watched almost all Irene’s videos on YouTube, I’ve started with the 21 Day Tune-Up, and have signed up for SBSM.
Every ounce of my being believes in this and having experienced the wonderful support of the Facebook group, I feel as if I’m exactly where I should be, so thank you!! I hope you all understand how much you are helping us who keep fighting against all odds, who have been told by countless doctors that there is no way up. I’ve chosen to never in a million years believe that because I believe in my body, I’ve just lacked the right information, guidance and support. I can honestly say that being in the 21 Day Course and it’s Facebook group, is like coming home. It’s safe and I know we all are there for each other and have each others backs.
I can’t express in words how much this means to me, so again, thank you for making so accessible and safe.

I loved the course & learned so much. It is SO worth taking. Healing my nervous system was the missing link in my healing journey. I don’t feel broken or hopeless anymore. I feel deserving of healing and a calmness I never felt before. I feel tuned to my body for the very first time in my life and it feels amazing!

I found the need to be aware of my impulse to be especially grateful recently. My mom had been sick for a while and I had a strong impulse that I needed to see her. The next day my husband and I drove about two hours to see her and spent the afternoon. Two days later she passed away. I’m so blessed I listened to my impulse….it was a gift from God.

As a mind-body life coach I suspected my nervous system was somewhat unregulated. Not always, but more often than I’d like, I would get ‘triggered’ for seemingly no reason and would experience jitters and low-level anxiety that wouldn’t switch off. Particularly, when turning within to notice my emotions. (Later, I’d learn that ‘orienting’ could settle this down.)
I heaped on tons of self-judgment and created stressful stories about my abilities to help others heal their chronic pain. Thankfully, a Canadian friend and coach forwarded me one of Irene’s videos. To say it resonated would be a huge understatement – I HAD TO KNOW MORE so I immediately signed up for her 21-Day Tune Up program and felt HOPE surging through my veins.
While it’s true Irene’s training has been incredibly beneficial in helping me understand mammalian physiology, the nervous system, and how both relate to chronic pain and illness, it’s been a much bigger awakening than that. Irene’s a fantastic teacher, mentor and presenter. She doesn’t ‘dumb down’ anything; rather, gives easy to understand and digest bite-sized lessons. I got anatomy and neuroscience education, mind/body/emotions connections review, movement therapy introduction, how to honour impulses, hear inner wisdom, helpful videos and relevant resources, a like-minded FB community, answers to my personal questions – and well, a newfound intimacy and healthier relationship with myself.
The information she provided fits ‘hand in glove’ with all the mind-body tools I’ve amassed and used over a ten-year span. For me, the mind-body puzzle is complete. These days I’m feeling happier, peaceful, authentic, and more confident as a coach. It’s a joy to witness my clients benefitting from what I learned too. So, if you have a nervous system, a mind, a body and emotions (and we all do!)– this course is for you. It’s a game changer and I highly recommend it.

The 21 Day Course was very well done. I enjoyed Irene’s thorough training, very comprehensive explanations (English is my second language), fantastic graphics, not to mention her pleasant voice and pleasant friendly face. The course was A+++

I didn’t know [if] I would learn anything new with he 21 Day course because I watched almost every YouTube video from Irene… But I’m so happy I did the program, it really goes beyond and deeper than her vlogs (even though they are grand as well). It took me 6 months to finish 21 days (I know!) and I think I might just start again. Because I want to re-learn what I’ve learned, let it sink in that tiny bit deeper… Thank you so much for The Work!

The 21 Day Tune-Up is a well structured course and I like that it’s a mixture of short and long exercises, this way it doesn’t overwhelm you. I know I can pause anytime, but the course is encouraging you to keep going. I absolutely loved it, it’s so informative and helpful. It has opened my eyes and has made sense to so many things I’ve been going through and experiencing lately. Now it’s time to fix and heal. I’m so grateful! ?

What is taught here about nervous system healing is likely why you’re stuck. Learn what you can do about it to become unstuck. Free yourself with this material.
Even if the only thing you learn is the Orienting…it’s worth it. But there’s far more to help support you on your healing journey. That’s what this course does better than any other I’ve encountered. It offers you all the support you need. And for people that have never had that? It makes all the difference.
This has to be one of the best online courses I’ve taken. You guys really thought of everything when creating it.
I feel it does a great job of teachings the fundamentals without overwhelming someone who’s never done this kind of thing before. You have a talent for teaching and ensuring the knowledge sticks so that people can actually use it to transform their lives.
It occurred to me just now that what you’ve done here is created support for people in as many ways as you could. This too makes it more likely that they will actually use what they learn. And it’s what people who have so much trauma need.

Hello, I have been listing to the free audio since a few month, I am on the 21Days since three weeks and I am really grateful of the support of this learning. The tools are simple, deep and perfect for creating a new ground in my regulation of my nervious system. Even if it is a huge learning for me who was always runing in my life, I feel the spaciousness and depth. I really appreciate the support of the team when I need to ask a question. I never met a program like this where we can go solo and receive support. It brigns me belonging, not alone, safety. The richness of the thousands of questions asked before me are part of this amazing process. Hearing Irene repeting It can be healed, really give me hope. Thank you! I am going on next days as I am going my rhythms. Some moments I am urging and I realize that it is true it take times. I can only say that I advise this program to anyone who feel one matters for oneself and for our circles. Thank you so much!

“Doing this course has had a huge impact on me. I find that I am really able to calm myself down when I become stressed, which I was never able to do. I used to get into very negative patterns of thinking as soon as I became overwhelmed and felt like there was too much on my plate, but I’m now able to catch those thoughts, say ‘Hi, I hear you, but I don’t agree and you’re not serving me’ and then replace them with much more positive thoughts instead, and am getting better at it day by day. When I feel the stress take over me I now acknowledge what I’m feeling – I check in with my heart and my breath and accept what they are feeling so that I can feel the stress, and then release it.”

The 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up gave me a new understanding of my nervous system, which would have been really hard work to come by any other way. It also showed me how simple it is to ‘tune-up’ your nervous system. Forget all those YouTube videos about the vagus nerve – this is the real deal you if want a healthier nervous system.

This has been one of the most worthwhile courses I have ever taken.
Even on Day 1, I could feel my nervous system coming in to more regulation.
During this course, I experienced actually feeling GOOD in my body — better than I have ever felt in my WHOLE life, even with years of intense spiritual practice and undergoing many therapies. I am able to touch in to a new sense of safety and vital embodiment that I’ve never known before. I also experience more fluidity, body joy, ease and confidence — and even a deeper sense of spiritual perception. None of these experiences is stable yet, so I know I have my work cut out for me, to grow capacity, release old traumas — and sink into the simplicity and goodness of my own human being. But the exercises are simple and practical and powerful. I love the intuitive capacity that we’re encouraged to sense into. This course feels like the missing piece in my spiritual practice and in my life. I know I’m onto something big. I’m excited to keep practising. Very grateful.

I took and lived through the 21 Day Course during my summer vacation. It became a part of the day I looked forward to. I appreciate the quality of both the theoretical as well as practical materials. Irene doesn’t underestimate the learner, which is important for me. I also love that I have ongoing access to the course, and actually I’ve started my 2nd round through! I remind myself daily of some of the ideas, concepts and tips Irene shared in the course, and I also have used some of them in my work as a transformation and vitality coach. One of my former clients and present cooperation partner told me that after I took the course I radiate calmness and being in the present moment.

The tune-up course lessons are all very useful and all the content speaks to me 100%. Truly, this course and it’s lessons are for the people who are trying everything to help themselves, but nothing seems to work. With this course, I have began learning real things – techniques that work with my system since the first time I tried!

Glad to finally be listening to my body and its messages. Long overdue. Establishing safety in my body enhances my self esteem and self trust. Not to mention enhanced self care.

I may be taking the long way through the 21 day program (on day 6 and started 60 days ago), but I tell you amazing things are happening. Like for instance I rode a bike today after 20 years of being scared and frozen. My daughter is 13 and it was our first bike ride!! Thank you Irene.
Click here to read a blog post on Dee’s story

I love the 21 Day Tune-Up Course.
I appreciated the content and the experiential lessons. This course was an important and accessible turning point for me in taking part in my own trauma healing journey.

Each person needs to study themselves – this course is a wonderful guide to help us do that. Irene has a wonderful voice, pacing, and manner of speaking that makes the audio lessons easy to follow and comforting. The exercises we covered expanded the sophistication of my approach to continued self-understanding and self-maintenance.

Since taking the Tune-Up, I am WAY less affected by others and their ‘stuff’ because I feel so much more regulated. I am also much more mindful about what I need to do to look after myself. One of my favourite exercises was The Power of Orienting because I loved being quiet in the stillness and observing what was all around me that I, quite often, take for granted.

Although I have done more neurofeedback, bodywork and meditation practices than anyone I know, this 21-day tuneup program opened me to something even more fundamental: the ability to regulate my nervous system and clearing unconscious traumas and stress. As a result: other practices have improved and previously unresolved issues are clearing. It’s like a nervous system support team for 21 days, for the price of a few sessions in other modalities.
Simply awesome, thorough, detailed and the comments with feedback are like a book I can’t put down. Way above my expectations.

The 21 Day course was a good basis for me to start with for a trauma-based therapy. I knew for some years (since I first heard about the polyvagal theory) that it would be THE THING for me, but somehow couldn’t make the connection. Now I know what it’s all about and what’s important to me in this therapy.
Of course, like many others here, I have a long history and am now full of hope that things will really change. Some small “enlightenments” already happened during the course. Finally I have words for those moments and I actually believe that these are steps to healthy awareness, in fact, steps to enlightenment.

This nervous system work was the missing piece for me after years of focusing on inner work. I am seeing success in the areas I was hoping for but also: gaining more than anticipated in ways I never expected. As a late diagnosed ADHD adult: my ADHD symptoms have decreased overall by approximately 80%. No more meds ~ I AM my own medicine. Now that I know how to truly connect to my body, I recognise that when I forget to do so my brain falls back into old patterns. It is less than a month since I discovered Irene’s work and her generous free offerings; then decided to undertake her 21Day Nervous System Tune Up program. I am one very happy and grateful student who is well and truly hooked on nervous system regulation ~ for life. I highly recommend Irene’s teachings to anyone who has worked hard on honouring their wellness but has a knowing that something is still missing.
Start your 21 Day
Tune-Up Now
PS – Got questions? Please email us via

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