Above all, work on yourself. This is the most effective thing we can do, especially if our kids are still young. As we get more regulated and resolve our trauma, the benefit of that will automatically ripple out to them. This is the MOST important thing. In addition…

Start a therapy fund! This may sound like a jest, but I am totally serious. Many people start college funds for their kids, but a therapy fund may be equally or even more useful in many cases. In addition, if you have access to a good Somatic Practitioner who knows how to work with younger kids in the context of play, this can be useful, but only so long as the kids are young enough that they can still engage in imagination-based play with enthusiasm (generally this is good up to around the age of 7, but it varies). 

Or, if the kids are older they can benefit from working with a good Somatic Practitioner, but only if they want to do it – that’s the only way it will work, and it will be important that you are not involved other than paying for the sessions and possibly providing transportation.